Tucson Urban Lakes

All about fishing the Tucson, Arizona Lakes

  • 3  Tucson Urban Lakes 
  • 11  Phoenix Urban Lakes 

Kennedy Lake
J. F. Kennedy Park in southwest Tucson, north of Aio Way between La Cholla Boulevard and Mission Road

Size: 10 acres
Depth:Maximum depth 12 feet, average depth 8 feet.

Silverbell Lake
Christopher Columbus Park in northwest Tucson, east of Silverbell Road between Camino del Cerro and Grant Roads.

Size: 13 acres
Depth:Maximum depth 6 feet. average depth 4 feet

Lakeside Park
Chuck Ford-Lakeside Park in east Tucson, northwest corner of Stella Road and Sarnoff Drive.

Size: 14 acres
Depth:Maximum depth 35 feet, average depth 15 feet.

Sahuarita Lake
Not too far from I-19 , and with the new signs, it’s not too hard to find. Not much shade on the lake, and some days it’s crowded.but easy to fish and a nice drive to the lake.

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